The Priest of Corruption, also known as Cleric of Decay, is a dark fantasy manga that follows Ruphas, a priest who gains forbidden powers through a pact with a sinister deity. Determined to use his newfound strength, he challenges the corrupt forces controlling his world. Along the way, he encounters allies and enemies while grappling with the cost of his power. The story combines action, moral dilemmas, and suspense to keep readers engaged. With its rich world-building and fast-paced narrative, it appeals to fans of dark fantasy and complex characters.
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 73
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 72
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 71
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 70
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 69
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 68
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 67
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 66
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 65
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 64
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 63
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 62
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 61
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 60
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 59
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 58
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 57
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 56
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 55
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 54
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 53
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 52
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 51
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 50
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 49
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 48
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 47
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 46
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 45
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 44
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 43
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 42
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 41
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 40
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 39
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 38
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 37
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 36
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 35
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 34
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 33
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 32
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 31
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 30
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 29
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 28
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 27
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 26
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 25
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 24
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 23
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 22
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 21
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 20
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 19
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 18
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 17
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 16
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 15
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 14
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 13
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 12
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 11
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 10
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 9
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 8
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 7
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 6
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 5
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 4
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 3
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 2
- The Priest of Corruption, chapter 1